Family Court Services in Las Vegas | John Paglini Psy. D

Family Court Evaluations

It has been a privilege to serve the Family Court of Las Vegas for over twenty years. My goal is to write assessments that help the judge and attorneys understand the respective family and serve the best interest of the child or children.

Child Custody Evaluations

Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations are requested by the Family Court and focus on the best interest of the child. These evaluations may include a particular focus such as domestic violence, parental alienation, or a relocation assessment.  Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations consist of several interviews of the parents, collateral interviews of the parents’ friends, family members, as well as mental health, medical, or educational professionals related to the case. The litigants also undergo psychological testing.  Additionally, Dr. Paglini conducts a home visit with family observations, as well as child interviews. Dr. Paglini then completes a comprehensive report which is submitted to the respective judge to facilitate the judge’s understanding of the family.

Child Custody Evaluations

Child Interviews

Occasionally, child interviews are requested by the Family Court. Dr. Paglini initially talks to each parent separately to obtain their perspective. The child is then interviewed, minimally, on two occasions, with each parent bringing in the child one time. Relevant discovery is reviewed, a report is generated, and that report is submitted to the Family Court.

Psychological Evaluations

The Family Court may request a psychological evaluation of one or both of the parents. These evaluations may focus on one issue–i.e. the psychological health of a parent or substance abuse. Additional evaluations may include risk assessments pertaining to domestic violence or sexual abuse allegations.

The Family Courts have also requested parental fitness evaluations.